Send or drop off to the location that is closest to you!
Utah Location
1799 N State Street
Orem, UT 84057
Georgia Location
1425 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW
Suite 31, Atlanta, GA 30318
Business Hours for both locations
Monday - Friday
10am - 5pm

When is your event date?
Use the table below to see what we recommend for your shipping options depending on when your event date is or was. EXCLUDE HOLIDAYS AND WEEKENDS
Package your blooms on your own and send to us with 2nd Day Air Shipping
Package your blooms on your own and send to us with Overnight Shipping
Visit our Recreation options
5+ days ago
4 days ago
3 days ago
2 days ago
How to package on your own
Follow the diagram BELOW for a visual on how to ship your blooms using materials around your home
- Fragile upright box so that the bouquet doesn't get thrown around
- DO NOT WRAP FLOWERS IN ANY KIND OF PLASTIC. This includes bubblewrap.
- DO NOT let a shipping carrier package it for you, they tend to wrap them in plastic bags.
- Crumbled paper, dry paper towels, packing peanuts, are all great options that are not plastic!
- Make sure not to wrap the entire bouquet in a bag, keep the blossoms uncovered and away from moisture or they can mold
-We do NOT recommend placing your florals in the freezer
- We do NOT recommend shipping them in a Styrofoam cooler
- We suggest UPS as they tend to have the best rates and service
- You'll want to ship it either overnight or 1-2 day shipping, which can be expensive. If you cannot afford the cost of quick shipping, try a priority mailbox from USPS. This will bring down the cost, but will also get your flowers to us much later, which runs the risk of them coming in unworkable condition!
5+ Days ago
4 days ago
3 days ago
2 days ago
1 day ago
in 2 days
in 3 days
in 4 days
in 5+ days
Save costs and time by ordering our Bloom Shipping Box
Order our Shipping Box and select 2nd Day Air Shipping at checkout
Order our Shipping Box and select Overnight Shipping at checkout
Ship your blooms to arrive to us within 5 days
Ship your blooms to arrive to us within 4 days
Ship your blooms to arrive to us within 3 days
Ship your blooms to arrive to us within 2 days
Ship your blooms to arrive to us by tomorrow
Ship your already dried blooms for a shadow box or custom necklace / or do a recreation
Other shipping instructions
note that
***If the flowers don’t come in workable condition, we cannot proceed*** However we can reorder blooms as replacements through our florist email. [email protected]
Add Bloom Protection at checkout to protect from unforseen circumstances in shipping.
Our shop is not open on the weekends, do not schedule a shipment to arrive on Saturday or Sunday, or before our opening hours (paying additional to have your package arrive before 10am overnight is not necessary, they will redeliver it during our hours.)
All arrangements will be notified of delivery within 48 hours of arrival. You will be able to see the condition, and know of any blooms that may have arrived unworkable.